Friday, 27 April 2012


2012-04-07 12.01.28

Ok, it’s like this… I’ll pose all you like, wear the dumbest headgear, smile, flirt, whatever… as long as I get the those sausage roll remains.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

This is better..

2012-04-17 09.01.47

I’ve been given the sunny spot on the bed to recover from my trauma.

Yours Truly Confused fell for the sad face and provided therapeutic snacks.

All is well with my world again.

Diva: 1–Princess: Nil

2012-04-14 17.31.52


Feeling very sorry for myself today.  I tried to grab some of The Diva’s breakfast before she had finished, and came out of the argument second-best. 

Yours Truly Confused has been administering salve and sympathy.  Think I’ll milk this situation for a few snacks.


2012-04-14 18.30.02

2012-04-17 08.59.38